EVAL_RO script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...]

Available since: 7.0.0

Time complexity: Depends on the script that is executed.

ACL categories: @slow @scripting

This is a read-only variant of the EVAL command that cannot execute commands that modify data.

Unlike EVAL, scripts executed with this command can always be killed and never affect the replication stream. Because the script can only read data, this command can always be executed on a master or a replica.

For more information about EVAL scripts please refer to Introduction to Eval Scripts.


> SET mykey "Hello"

> EVAL_RO "return redis.call('GET', KEYS[1])" 1 mykey

> EVAL_RO "return redis.call('DEL', KEYS[1])" 1 mykey
(error) ERR Error running script (call to b0d697da25b13e49157b2c214a4033546aba2104): @user_script:1: @user_script: 1: Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts.