Available in: Redis Stack

Time complexity: O(1)





Returns information and statistics for a time series.


  • key - Key name of the time series
  • DEBUG - An optional flag to get a more detailed information about the chunks.



Return Value

Array-reply, specifically:

  • totalSamples - Total number of samples in this time series
  • memoryUsage - Total number of bytes allocated for this time series
  • firstTimestamp - First timestamp present in this time series
  • lastTimestamp - Last timestamp present in this time series
  • retentionTime - The retention period, in milliseconds, for this time series
  • chunkCount - Number of Memory Chunks used for this time series
  • chunkSize - Memory size, in bytes, allocated for data
  • chunkType - The chunk type: compressed or uncompressed
  • duplicatePolicy - The duplicate policy of this time series
  • labels - A nested array of label-value pairs that represent the metadata labels of this time series
  • sourceKey - Key name for source time series in case the current series is a target of a compaction rule
  • rules - A nested array of the compaction rules defined in this time series

When DEBUG is specified, the response will contain an additional array field called Chunks. Each item (per chunk) will contain:

  • startTimestamp - First timestamp present in the chunk
  • endTimestamp - Last timestamp present in the chunk
  • samples - Total number of samples in the chunk
  • size - The chunk data size in bytes (this is the exact size that used for data only inside the chunk, doesn't include other overheads)
  • bytesPerSample - Ratio of size and samples

TS.INFO Example

TS.INFO temperature:2:32
 1) totalSamples
 2) (integer) 100
 3) memoryUsage
 4) (integer) 4184
 5) firstTimestamp
 6) (integer) 1548149180
 7) lastTimestamp
 8) (integer) 1548149279
 9) retentionTime
10) (integer) 0
11) chunkCount
12) (integer) 1
13) chunkSize
14) (integer) 256
15) chunkType
16) compressed
17) duplicatePolicy
18) (nil)
19) labels
20) 1) 1) "sensor_id"
       2) "2"
    2) 1) "area_id"
       2) "32"
21) sourceKey
22) (nil)
23) rules
24) (empty list or set)


23) rules
24) (empty list or set)
25) keySelfName
26) "temperature:2:32"
25) Chunks
26) 1)  1) startTimestamp
        2) (integer) 1548149180
        3) endTimestamp
        4) (integer) 1548149279
        5) samples
        6) (integer) 100
        7) size
        8) (integer) 256
        9) bytesPerSample
       10) "1.2799999713897705"