TS.MADD key timestamp value [ key timestamp value ...]

Available in: Redis Stack

Time complexity: O(N*M) when N is the amount of series updated and M is the amount of compaction rules or O(N) with no compaction


Append new samples to one or more time series.

TS.MADD {key timestamp value}...
  • key - Key name for time series
  • timestamp - (integer) UNIX sample timestamp in milliseconds. * can be used for an automatic timestamp from the server's clock.
  • value - numeric data value of the sample (double). We expect the double number to follow RFC 7159 (JSON standard). In particular, the parser will reject overly large values that would not fit in binary64. It will not accept NaN or infinite values.

Examples>TS.MADD temperature:2:32 1548149180000 26 cpu:2:32 1548149183000 54
1) (integer) 1548149180000
2) (integer) 1548149183000>TS.MADD temperature:2:32 1548149181000 45 cpu:2:32 1548149180000 30
1) (integer) 1548149181000
2) (integer) 1548149180000


If a compaction rule exits on a time series, TS.MADD performance might be reduced. The complexity of TS.MADD is always O(N*M) when N is the amount of series updated and M is the amount of compaction rules or O(N) with no compaction.