Redis trademark guidelines

How can the Redis trademarks be used?
  1. OPEN SOURCE LICENSE VS. TRADEMARKS. The three-clause BSD license gives you the right to redistribute and use the software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, under certain conditions. However, open source licenses like the three-clause BSD license do not address trademarks. Redis trademarks and brands need to be used in a way consistent with trademark law, and that is why we have prepared this policy – to help you understand what branding is allowed or required when using our software.

  2. PURPOSE. To outline the policy and guidelines for using the Redis trademark (“Mark”) and logo (“Logo”).

  3. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? The Mark and Logo are symbols of the quality and community support associated with the open source Redis. Trademarks protect not only its owners, but its users and the entire open source community. Our community members need to know that they can rely on the quality represented by the brand. No one should use the Mark or Logo in any way that misleads anyone, either directly or by omission, or in any way that is likely to confuse or take advantage of the community, or constitutes unfair competition. For example, you cannot say you are distributing Redis software when you are distributing a modified version of Redis open source, because people will be confused when they are not getting the same features and functionality they would get if they downloaded the software directly from Redis, or will think that the modified software is endorsed or sponsored by us or the community. You also cannot use the Mark or Logo on your website or in connection with any services in a way that suggests that your website is an official Redis website or service, or that suggests that we endorse your website or services.

  4. PROPER USE OF THE REDIS TRADEMARKS AND LOGO. You may do any of the following:

    • a. When you use an unaltered, unmodified copy of open source Redis downloaded from (the “Software”) as a data source for your application, you may use the Mark and Logo to identify your use. The open source Redis software combined with, or integrated into, any other software program, including but not limited to automation software for offering Redis as a cloud service or orchestration software for offering Redis in containers is considered “modified” Redis software and does not entitle you to use the Mark or the Logo, except in a case of nominative use, as described below. Integrating the Software with other software or service can introduce performance or quality control problems that can devalue the goodwill in the Redis brand and we want to be sure that such problems do not confuse users as to the quality of the product.
    • b. The Software is developed by and for the Redis community. If you are engaged in community advocacy, you can use the Mark but not the Logo in the context of showing support for the open source Redis project, provided that:
      • i. The Mark is used in a manner consistent with this policy;
      • ii. There is no commercial purpose behind the use and you are not offering Redis commercially under the same domain name;
      • iii. There is no suggestion that you are the creator or source of Redis, or that your project is approved, sponsored, or affiliated with us or the community; and
      • iv. You must include attribution according to section 6.a. below.
    • c. Nominative Use: Trademark law permits third parties the use of a mark to identify the trademark holder’s product or service so long as such use is not likely to cause unnecessary consumer or public confusion. This is referred to as a nominative or fair use. When you distribute, or offer an altered, modified or combined copy of the Software, such as in the case of a cloud service or a container service, you may engage in “nominative use” of the Mark, but this does not allow you to use the Logo.
    • d. Examples of Nominative Use:
      • i. Offering an XYZ software, which is an altered, modified or combined copy of the open source Redis software, including but not limited to offering Redis as a cloud service or as a container service, and while fully complying with the open source Redis API - you may only name it "XYZ for Redis®" or state that "XYZ software is compatible with the Redis® API". No other term or description of your software is allowed.
      • ii. Offering an ABC application, which uses an altered, modified or combined copy of the open source Redis software as a data source, including but not limited to using Redis as a cloud service or a container service, and while the modified Redis fully complies with the open source Redis API - you may only state that "ABC application is using XYZ for Redis®", or "ABC application is using a software which is compatible with the Redis® API". No other term or description of your application is allowed.
      • iii. If, however, the offered XYZ software, or service based thereof, or application ABC uses an altered, modified or combined copy of the open source Redis software that does not fully comply with the open source Redis API - you may not use the Mark and Logo at all.
    • e. In any use (or nominative use) of the Mark or the Logo as per the above, you should comply with all the provisions of Section 6 (General Use).
  5. IMPROPER USE OF THE REDIS TRADEMARKS AND LOGOS. Any use of the Mark or Logo other than as expressly described as permitted herein is not permitted because we believe that it would likely cause impermissible public confusion. Use of the Mark that we will likely consider infringing without permission for use include:

    • a. Entity Names. You may not form a company, use a company name, or create a software product or service name that includes the Mark or implies any that such company is the source or sponsor of Redis. If you wish to form an entity for a user or developer group, please contact us and we will be glad to discuss a license for a suitable name;
    • b. Class or Quality. You may not imply that you are providing a class or quality of Redis (e.g., "enterprise-class" or "commercial quality" or “fully managed”) in a way that implies Redis is not of that class, grade or quality, nor that other parties are not of that class, grade, or quality;
    • c. False or Misleading Statements. You may not make false or misleading statements regarding your use of Redis (e.g., "we wrote the majority of the code" or "we are major contributors" or "we are committers");
    • d. Domain Names and Subdomains. You must not use Redis or any confusingly similar phrase in a domain name or subdomain. For instance “” is not allowed. If you wish to use such a domain name for a user or developer group, please contact us and we will be glad to discuss a license for a suitable domain name. Because of the many persons who, unfortunately, seek to spoof, swindle or deceive the community by using confusing domain names, we must be very strict about this rule;
    • e. Websites. You must not use our Mark or Logo on your website in a way that suggests that your website is an official website or that we endorse your website;
    • f. Merchandise. You must not manufacture, sell or give away merchandise items, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing the Mark or Logo, or create any mascot for Redis. If you wish to use the Mark or Logo for a user or developer group, please contact us and we will be glad to discuss a license to do this;
    • g. Variations, takeoffs or abbreviations. You may not use a variation of the Mark for any purpose. For example, the following are not acceptable:
      • i. Red;
      • ii. MyRedis; and
      • iii. RedisHost.
    • h. Rebranding. You may not change the Mark or Logo on a redistributed (unmodified) Software to your own brand or logo. You may not hold yourself out as the source of the Redis software, except to the extent you have modified it as allowed under the three-clause BSD license, and you make it clear that you are the source only of the modification;
    • i. Combination Marks. Do not use our Mark or Logo in combination with any other marks or logos. For example Foobar Redis, or the name of your company or product typeset to look like the Redis logo; and
    • j. Web Tags. Do not use the Mark in a title or metatag of a web page to influence search engine rankings or result listings, rather than for discussion or advocacy of the Redis project.

    • a. Attribution. Any permitted use of the Mark or Logo, as indicated above, should comply with the following provisions:
      • i. You should add the R mark (®) and an asterisk (*) to the first mention of the word "Redis" as part of or in connection with a product name;
      • ii. Whenever "Redis®*" is shown - add the following legend (with an asterisk) in a noticeable and readable format: "* Redis is a trademark of Redis Ltd. Any rights therein are reserved to Redis Ltd. Any use by <company XYZ> is for referential purposes only and does not indicate any sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation between Redis and <company XYZ>"; and
      • iii. Sections i. and ii. above apply to any appearance of the word "Redis" in: (a) any web page, gated or un-gated; (b) any marketing collateral, white paper, or other promotional material, whether printed or electronic; and (c) any advertisement, in any format.
    • b. Capitalization. Always distinguish the Mark from surrounding text with at least initial capital letters or in all capital letters, (e.g., as Redis or REDIS).
    • c. Adjective. Always use the Mark as an adjective modifying a noun, such as “the Redis software.”
    • d. Do not make any changes to the Logo. This means you may not add decorative elements, change the colors, change the proportions, distort it, add elements or combine it with other logos.
  7. NOTIFY US OF ABUSE. Do not make any changes to the Logo. This means you may not add decorative elements, change the colors, change the proportions, distort it, add elements or combine it with other logos.

  8. MORE QUESTIONS? If you have questions about this policy, or wish to request a license for any uses that are not specifically authorized in this policy, please contact us at