Install Redis on macOS

Use Homebrew to install and start Redis on macOS

This guide shows you how to install Redis on macOS using Homebrew. Homebrew is the easiest way to install Redis on macOS. If you'd prefer to build Redis from the source files on macOS, see [Installing Redis from Source].


First, make sure you have Homebrew installed. From the terminal, run:

$ brew --version

If this command fails, you'll need to follow the Homebrew installation instructions.


From the terminal, run:

brew install redis

This will install Redis on your system.

Starting and stopping Redis in the foreground

To test your Redis installation, you can run the redis-server executable from the command line:


If successful, you'll see the startup logs for Redis, and Redis will be running in the foreground.

To stop Redis, enter Ctrl-C.

Starting and stopping Redis using launchd

As an alternative to running Redis in the foreground, you can also use launchd to start the process in the background:

brew services start redis

This launch Redis and restart it at login. You can check the status of a launchd managed Redis by running the following:

brew services info redis

If the service is running, you'll see output like the following:

redis (homebrew.mxcl.redis)
Running: ✔
Loaded: ✔
User: miranda
PID: 67975

To stop the service, run:

brew services stop redis

Connect to Redis

Once Redis is running, you can test it by running redis-cli:


This will open the Redis REPL. Try running some commands:> lpush demos redis-macOS-demo
OK> rpop demos

Next steps

Once you have a running Redis instance, you may want to:

  • Try the Redis CLI tutorial
  • Connect using one of the Redis clients