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Administration Guide

Administration of the RediSearch module

1 - General Administration

General Administration of the RediSearch module

RediSearch Administration Guide

RediSearch doesn't require any configuration to work, but there are a few things worth noting when running RediSearch on top of Redis.


RediSearch supports both RDB and AOF based persistence. For a pure RDB set-up, nothing special is needed beyond the standard Redis RDB configuration.

AOF Persistence

While RediSearch supports working with AOF based persistence, as of version 1.1.0 it does not support "classic AOF" mode, which uses AOF rewriting. Instead, it only supports AOF with RDB preamble mode. In this mode, rewriting the AOF log just creates an RDB file, which is appended to.

To enable AOF persistence with RediSearch, add the two following lines to your redis.conf:

appendonly yes
aof-use-rdb-preamble yes

Master/Slave Replication

RediSearch supports replication inherently, and using a master/slave set-up, you can use slaves for high availability. On top of that, slaves can be used for searching, to load-balance read traffic.

Cluster Support

RediSearch will not work correctly on a cluster. The enterprise version of RediSearch, which is commercially available from Redis Labs, does support a cluster set up and scales to hundreds of nodes, billions of documents and terabytes of data. See the Redis Labs Website for more details.

2 - Upgrade to 2.0

Details about upgrading to RediSearch 2.x from 1.x

Upgrade to 2.0 when running in Redis OSS

!!! note For enterprise upgrade please refer to the following link.

v2 of RediSearch re-architects the way indices are kept in sync with the data. Instead of using FT.ADD command to index documents, RediSearch 2.0 follows hashes that match the index description regardless of how those were inserted or changed on Redis (HSET, HINCR, HDEL). The index description will filter hashes on a prefix of the key, and allows you to construct fine-grained filters with the FILTER option. This description can be defined during index creation (FT.CREATE).

v1.x indices (further referred to as legacy indices) don't have such index description. That is why you will need to supply their descriptions when upgrading to v2. During the upgrade to v2, you should add the descriptions via the module's configuration so RediSearch 2.0 will be able to load these legacy indexes.

UPGRADE_INDEX configuration

The upgrade index configuration allows you to specify the legacy index to upgrade. It needs to specify the index name and all the on hash arguments that can be defined on FT.CREATE command (notice that only the index name is mandatory, the other arguments have default values which are the same as the default values on FT.CREATE command). So for example, if you have a legacy index called idx, in order for RediSearch 2.0 to load it, the following configuration needs to be added to the server on start time:

redis-server --loadmodule UPGRADE_INDEX idx

It is also possible to specify the prefixes to follow. For example, assuming all the documents indexed by idx starts with the prefix idx:, the following will upgrade the legacy index idx:

redis-server --loadmodule UPGRADE_INDEX idx PREFIX 1 idx:

Upgrade Limitations

The way that the upgrade process works behind the scenes is that it redefines the index with the on hash index description given in the configuration and then reindexes the data. This comes with some limitations:

  • If NOSAVE was used, then it's not possible to upgrade because the data for reindexing does not exist.
  • If you have multiple indices, you need to find the way for RediSearch to identify which hashes belong to which index. You can do it either with a prefix or a filter.
  • If you have hashes that are not indexed, you will need to find a way so that RediSearch will be able to identify only the hashes that need to be indexed. This can be done using a prefix or a filter.