Developer notes

Notes on debugging, testing and documentation

Developing RediSearch

Developing RediSearch involves setting up the development environment (which can be either Linux-based or macOS-based), building RediSearch, running tests and benchmarks, and debugging both the RediSearch module and its tests.

Cloning the git repository

By invoking the following command, RediSearch module and its submodules are cloned:

git clone --recursive

Working in an isolated environment

There are several reasons to develop in an isolated environment, like keeping your workstation clean, and developing for a different Linux distribution. The most general option for an isolated environment is a virtual machine (it's very easy to set one up using Vagrant). Docker is even a more agile, as it offers an almost instant solution:

search=$(docker run -d -it -v $PWD:/build debian:bullseye bash)
docker exec -it $search bash

Then, from within the container, cd /build and go on as usual.

In this mode, all installations remain in the scope of the Docker container. Upon exiting the container, you can either re-invoke it with the above docker exec or commit the state of the container to an image and re-invoke it on a later stage:

docker commit $search redisearch1
docker stop $search
search=$(docker run -d -it -v $PWD:/build rediseatch1 bash)
docker exec -it $search bash

You can replace debian:bullseye with your OS of choice, with the host OS being the best choice (so you can run the RediSearch binary on your host once it is built).

Installing prerequisites

To build and test RediSearch one needs to install several packages, depending on the underlying OS. Currently, we support the Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS, Fedora, and macOS.

First, enter RediSearch directory.

If you have gnu make installed, you can execute,

make setup

Alternatively, invoke the following:


Note that will install various packages on your system using the native package manager and pip. It will invoke sudo on its own, prompting for permission.

If you prefer to avoid that, you can:

  • Review and install packages manually,
  • Use --nop to display installation commands without executing them,
  • Use an isolated environment like explained above,
  • Use a Python virtual environment, as Python installations are known to be sensitive when not used in isolation: python2 -m virtualenv venv; . ./venv/bin/activate

Installing Redis

As a rule of thumb, you're better off running the latest Redis version.

If your OS has a Redis 6.x package, you can install it using the OS package manager.

Otherwise, you can invoke ./deps/readies/bin/getredis.

Getting help

make help provides a quick summary of the development features:

make setup         # install prerequisited (CAUTION: THIS WILL MODIFY YOUR SYSTEM)
make fetch         # download and prepare dependant modules

make build         # compile and link
  COORD=1|oss|rlec   # build coordinator (1|oss: Open Source, rlec: Enterprise)
  STATIC=1           # build as static lib
  LITE=1             # build RediSearchLight
  VECSIM_MARCH=arch  # architecture for VecSim build
  DEBUG=1            # build for debugging
  NO_TESTS=1         # disable unit tests
  WHY=1              # explain CMake decisions (in /tmp/cmake-why)
  FORCE=1            # Force CMake rerun (default)
  CMAKE_ARGS=...     # extra arguments to CMake
  VG=1               # build for Valgrind
  SAN=type           # build with LLVM sanitizer (type=address|memory|leak|thread) 
  SLOW=1             # do not parallelize build (for diagnostics)
make parsers       # build parsers code
make clean         # remove build artifacts
  ALL=1              # remove entire artifacts directory

make run           # run redis with RediSearch
  GDB=1              # invoke using gdb

make test          # run all tests (via ctest)
  COORD=1|oss|rlec   # test coordinator
  TEST=regex         # run tests that match regex
  TESTDEBUG=1        # be very verbose (CTest-related)
  CTEST_ARG=...      # pass args to CTest
  CTEST_PARALLEL=n   # run tests in give parallelism
make pytest        # run python tests (tests/pytests)
  COORD=1|oss|rlec   # test coordinator
  TEST=name          # e.g. TEST=test:testSearch
  RLTEST_ARGS=...    # pass args to RLTest
  REJSON=1|0         # also load RedisJSON module
  REJSON_PATH=path   # use RedisJSON module at `path`
  EXT=1              # External (existing) environment
  GDB=1              # RLTest interactive debugging
  VG=1               # use Valgrind
  VG_LEAKS=0         # do not search leaks with Valgrind
  SAN=type           # use LLVM sanitizer (type=address|memory|leak|thread) 
  ONLY_STABLE=1      # skip unstable tests
make c_tests       # run C tests (from tests/ctests)
make cpp_tests     # run C++ tests (from tests/cpptests)
  TEST=name          # e.g. TEST=FGCTest.testRemoveLastBlock

make callgrind     # produce a call graph

make pack          # create installation packages
  COORD=rlec         # pack RLEC coordinator ('redisearch' package)
  LITE=1             # pack RediSearchLight ('redisearch-light' package)
make deploy        # copy packages to S3
make release       # release a version

make docs          # create documentation
make deploy-docs   # deploy documentation

make platform      # build for specified platform
  OSNICK=nick        # platform to build for (default: host platform)
  TEST=1             # run tests after build
  PACK=1             # create package
  ARTIFACTS=1        # copy artifacts to host

make box           # create container with volumen mapping into /search
  OSNICK=nick        # platform spec
make sanbox        # create container with CLang Sanitizer

Building from source

make build will build RediSearch.

make build COORD=oss will build OSS RediSearch Coordinator.

make build STATIC=1 will build as a static lib


  • Binary files are placed under bin, according to platform and build variant.

  • RediSearch uses CMake as its build system. make build will invoke both CMake and the subsequent make command that's required to complete the build.

Use make clean to remove built artifacts. make clean ALL=1 will remove the entire bin subdirectory.

Diagnosing build process

make build will build in parallel by default.

For purposes of build diagnosis, make build SLOW=1 VERBOSE=1 can be used to examine compilation commands.

Running Redis with RediSearch

The following will run redis and load RediSearch module.

make run

You can open redis-cli in another terminal to interact with it.

Running tests

There are several sets of unit tests:

  • C tests, located in tests/ctests, run by make c_tests.
  • C++ tests (enabled by GTest), located in tests/cpptests, run by make cpp_tests.
  • Python tests (enabled by RLTest), located in tests/pytests, run by make pytest.

One can run all tests by invoking make test. A single test can be run using the TEST parameter, e.g. make test TEST=regex.


To build for debugging (enabling symbolic information and disabling optimization), run make DEBUG=1. One can the use make run DEBUG=1 to invoke gdb. In addition to the usual way to set breakpoints in gdb, it is possible to use the BB macro to set a breakpoint inside RediSearch code. It will only have an effect when running under gdb.

Similarly, Python tests in a single-test mode, one can set a breakpoint by using the BB() function inside a test.